Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Take a Deep Breath...

So many things to do...so little time to do them in! This is not a bad thing and I love the fact that there are so many fun activities for Ava to participate in. We have had quite an eventful time since I last posted.

Wednesday, we were getting ready to go to Gymboree class when Sassy jumped right off of our bed and landed on her head. Due to the nature of the goose egg and her having a bloody nose along with it, I called her pediatrician's office (yes, I'm a first time mom) and they wanted to see her. She checked out just fine and they sent us on our way with a list of things to watch for. She wouldn't eat, and took a very restless nap. Later that afternoon, we joined some friends at Deanna Rose Farmstead. All seemed well until Ava vomitted. Because this was on the list of things to watch for, I phoned her doctor immediately and they sent us to Children's Mercy Urgent Care...where she checked out fine again. I mean, of course she did...seriously!

Thursday, she was still not acting herself, but we enjoyed spending the afternoon with Jo, Kim, Ben & Kate...then Rick came home, which always makes Ava happy:)

Friday, we had a super fun morning with our friends at Monkey Bizness then lunch to top it off. Our rug for the great room finally got delivered that evening, and the verdict is in...I really like it. It's super casual and the room seems so much cozier now...Yeah!

Saturday, Rick took Ava to Story Time at Borders in the morning. I'm so glad they get the chance to do little things together. Later that afternoon, we got to help celebrate cousin Jackson's 9th birthday with a party at his house. We had yummy burritos and cake and Ava enjoyed all of the extra attention from aunts, uncles, cousins and of course, Grandma:)

This morning, we attempted Story Time, but had to excuse ourselves before it was over because Ava was having a "meltdown". This afternoon, we attempted joining friends at the mall to play for a bit then have dinner, but had to excuse ourselves yet again because Ava was having a "meltdown"....my sweet, angelic, well-behaved baby has turned into a 2 YEAR OLD!!!!! I am finding myself taking lots of deep breaths these days...wish me luck!

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