This weekend was the last "calm" weekend for us for about the next 6 weekends...EEEK! While it was calm in the sense that we did things in our own time frame, it was still jam packed with excitement!
We spent Friday running errands all over town including Rick's favorite hot spots, Costco and Sam's Club:) Friday night Rick stayed home and got some quality "Ava" time in while I attended a fundraiser to benefit a family where the wife is about to donate a kidney to her very ill husband. I went with my friend, Joanne, and afterwards a group of us wrapped up the night at a local bar for some more cocktails. It was a FUN time!
Needless to say, Saturday got off to a little bit of a slow start given the late Friday night we had. After the rain cleared we went for a walk around our neighborhood, played on the playground and met more new neighbors:) Saturday evening we cooked a yummy dinner, then went out for Sheridan's and rented Marley and Me for Rick and I to watch after Ava went to bed....such a cute movie, I cried like a baby!!!
Sunday we did a little more furniture shopping (I will be glad when this is over)! We bought an entry table/ looks great! We had to ride home with our liftgate tied down because that's the only way we could transport it...I was sure that darn thing was going to fly open, but it didn't.
Today Ava and I just played and did some chores around the house, including laundry. I was emptying the dryer and left it open as I stepped around the corner to hang some clothes up only to return to find my mischievous daughter had climbed inside of it....I am telling you, that girl! If you've seen our house you would know that I did not walk more than 10 feet away from her. She is quick and sneaky! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy (only my phone camera) and didn't feel it was safe to leave her in the dryer to go get it...little stinker!
We have a busy week, so stay tuned:)
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