Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ava called in SICK!!!

Well, yesterday I experienced my very first time having a kid with the stomach flu...NOT GOOD, and oh so messy! We pretty much spent the first half of the day snuggling, vomiting and sleeping...Phase 1. The second half of the day was the I don't want to lay down, I don't want to stand up, I don't want to sit, I don't want to be held, I don't want to walk, I don't want to read or play...I don't even want to watch Dora...Phase 2. It just broke my heart and made me want to pull my hair out all at the same time. I knew exactly how she was feeling, unfortunately, I must have passed it on to her...I had the same thing on Sunday. I thank my one lucky star that it was only a 24 hour bug...and it is gone:) She woke up in much better spirits and we had a good morning of playtime!

This afternoon Ava had an appointment for a quick physical in preparation for an upcoming MRI (we'll touch on that later). During her exam we learned that she has an ear infection...Ugh! Poor baby! We have started the antibiotics and hope to be 100% in no time!! We also learned that Sassy has had a growth spurt...WAHOO! She weighs 23 pounds and is 32 inches tall. This puts her in the 20th percentile for both categories:) Her height has never hit the 10th before! She is such a big girl!

Tonight I took myself to the movies! Rick made it home just in time for me to "hand off" Ava and make it to the 7:30 show. I relaxed, laughed and ate an entire box of milk duds...which was wonderful!!!

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