Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MRI Update

Well, we are home and it seems like Ava tolerated everything pretty well. The procedure took longer than expected as well as her waking up from the anesthesia, in fact she is still a little groggy and unable to walk on her own yet. They had to intubate her in order for her chest to remain completely still when needed. Needless to say, she is a little bit hoarse from that. She is munching on saltine crackers and sipping on some water right now. She is one tough cookie, I continue to be amazed by her strength...she is like Superbaby:) Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers as they have helped us make it through the first step of this process, now we hope and pray for the good results! I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Denice said...

I'm so proud of Ava. We will keep her in in our prayers.