Monday, March 23, 2009

Whew..What a Weekend!

Friday started off as any Friday does...Ava and I were excited to have Rick home! I was getting ready to spend the day shopping for fun new house stuff when I got a phone call from my aunt in Lincoln. My goddaughter, Angela, was going to be having an emergency appendectomy at noon. Having seen Ava go through more than her share of surgeries and knowing how upset everyone was, I decided to take a road trip to Nebraska. I made it there just as they were finishing in surgery and was able to spend several hours visiting before heading back home. She is recovering great at home now. Ava got to spend the entire day with Rick watching basketball and playing at Uncle Curt & Aunt Lindley's house...I know she had a blast! With only a 30 minute nap, Rick said she was wiped out at 8:30 for the ride home.

Saturday I had a girlie day planned to do some boutique shopping with friends. I considered backing out since I was gone the entire day before, but I'm glad I didn't...I had so much fun:) Ava got to have another daddy/daughter day full of wagon rides, garage organization and apparently she helped grill some hamburgers and hot dogs. She was in charge of the salt and pepper...I'm sure she will be wanting her very own Green Egg soon:)

Sunday was another gorgeous day here and we took full advantage of it. We spent the afternoon at the park. Ava had so much fun exploring, climbing, running and trying to figure out the wood chips. Needless to say, this led to a long nap...for all of us:)

Here we are...Monday! I watched my friend's 4 month old for a couple of hours this morning. It is always fun to see her and Ava interact with each other. We got to meet our new Parents as Teachers educator, since we have moved to a different school district. This was fun and informative and seems like she will be a "good fit". After nap we finally went to pick up our new chair...yeah! I unloaded the 52 pound awkward piece of furniture all by myself...sometimes I guess I don't know my own strength:)

1 comment:

Rick said...

What, no pictures of the new chair?